Displaced (2018)
In psychology, the notion of displacement is characterized by the redirection of an impulse, whether positive or negative, to a less threatening target (an object or a person). The feeling expressed remains the same, while being directed at a symbolic substitute. This process, particularly triggered when a subject feels out of place, serves as a defense mechanism.
Evridiki’s evocative photographs, charged with personal emotions, here offer the spectator the possibility of projecting his or her own affects, and thus telling an entirely different story.

La Sieste (2016)

Coquillages (2016)

Sous l’Eucalyptus (2016)

La Lumière (2016)

Vague 1 (2016)

Vague 2 (2016)

Déraciné (2017)

Traces (2017)

Empreintes (2017)

Bateaux (2017)

Carton 2 (2017)

La Fuite (2017)

Carton 1 (2017)

Le Quotidien (2017)

Déraciné Inversé (2017)

Par la Fenêtre (2017)

Envol (2017)